2007年10月31日 星期三

My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan(Revised Edition)

From the assessment of the Common European Framework(CEF), I think I stand on level B2 in both listening and reading.

1. Listening:
I think basically I’ll keep with my original plan, except that the time for news websites might needed to be cut down. Below are my goals:
(1) Listen to Advanced Studioclassroom every day.
(2) Visit Youtube(www.youtube.com) whenever I have spare time.
(3) Visit news broadcasting sites such as CNN(www.cnn.com), BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/?ok) on weekends. About half an hour per day.

2. Reading:
(1) Read TIME magazine everyday whenever I have the opportunity to. Such as during breaks between classes or spare time.
(2) Read Advanced magazine everyday.

3. Class:
(1) Update my blog regularly, about 2 times a week.
(2) Do my best to talk in English when discussing with my team members or classmates.
(3) Review the textbook before class.
