2007年11月7日 星期三

English Corner 2- fun moment

Yesterday I went to the English Corner for the second time "voluntarily", because there is suppose to be no class this week due to the upcoming midterm exam. Since there isn't any topic for us to discuss about, we played little games instead.

The game is called "Aquarius", which I believed to be invented in America. Yes, its exactly the same word as the zodiac sign, or constellation, that we usually are familiar with. The rules are quite simple-the one who connects the 7 simliar pictures together first wins. Sounds too easy and boring, right?

Actually, it's not really that easy, you have to think carefully to "expand your borders" AND "break other's connection " at the same time. By the looks of it, its pretty simple, but when you're really into it, you'd definitely have a second thought about that!!

I always enjoy playing small games. For one, their rules are usually quite simple; for the other, they generate equal "fun" as big games. This makes them quite attracting and easy for players to "go on track".

At the end of the class, we discussed what we're going to do the week after the next(there is also no topic). We had plenty of ideas, from keeping on playing games to watching movies or even go rock climbing! I'm starting to anticipate what we're going to do.

Time will tell~
